Thursday, 20 April 2017

Importance of Tuition for Singapore Primary School. How much is enough?

How much tuition is enough?

That has been the common question that mothers has been asking nowadays. Daily? Every weekday? or just the weekends?

As the standard of living rises and along with the end of the subprime financial crisis comes the availability of more available money. More money for holidays, more money for investment and more money for other luxury items. When it comes to investment, we have property, the financial money market and many other instruments. But one should not forget that investing in our child's studies is also a form of investment. A really long investment but a really important one.

And there comes the question. How much tuition is enough? There is no hard and fast rule to this but I believe the judgement has to come from an critical evaluation of several factors.

3 Questions to ask before deciding how much tuition is enough:

1) How is your child coping with school work now?
The first basic question is to evaluate on his current test results. Is he an overachiever in certain subjects and doing really badly in some? For weak subjects, minimally twice a week of tuition of 1.5 hours each would be helpful. For subjects that are average, once a week should help your child in getting better grades.

2) How is your child coping with existing schoolwork?
If the school is already providing a lot of schoolwork and remedial for your child, I recommend to start with once a week of tuition or twice a week but limiting to 1 hour per session. Reason is because as much as we want our child to do well in their studies, we need to be careful in handling his/her emotional well-being too. If your child is already very caught up with school, consider maybe lessening his involvement in extra curriculum activities instead of front loading him with even more stress and work.

3) Does your child hate certain subjects?
If your child hates certain subject, when hiring a tuition teacher, you need to take extra care in finding someone patient rather than strict. A lot of parents get frustrated when their child doesn't listen to their tutor during lessons especially subjects that the child hates. The tutor gets frustrated, the parents get frustrated too. We need to understand that more tuition won't get your child to like the subject. What our child needs is a tutor who would provide constant encouragement and only when the child's self-esteem is build up, that we can increase the pace. Rome isn't built in a day, liking something we hate won't happen overnight too.

Looking for a tuition teacher? Visit
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Primary 2 Math Addition with Carrying Part 3

Free Primary 2 Math Worksheets for download and use:

Primary 2 Math Addition with carrying Worksheet part 3:

Looking for Math tuition for your child or wanting to become a tutor yourself? Click here

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Primary 2 Math Addition with Carrying Part 2

Free Primary 2 Math Worksheets for download and use:

Primary 2 Math Addition with carrying Worksheet part 2:

Looking for Math tuition for your child or wanting to become a tutor yourself? Click here

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Primary 2 Math Addition with Carrying

Free Primary 2 Math Worksheets for download and use:

Primary 2 Math Addition with carrying Worksheet:

Looking for Math tuition for your child or wanting to become a tutor yourself? Click here

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Looking for Math tuition for your child or wanting to become a tutor yourself? Click here

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Looking for Math tuition for your child or wanting to become a tutor yourself? Click here

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